Indigenous Publishing & Mentoring
Black Ink Press
“Inspiring Indigenous readers, writers and dreamers”
BLACK INK PRESS has a wide range of fully-illustrated books for children on topics that are close to their hearts; going on adventures, learning about the mystery of animals and feeling proud of their individuality.
The Black Ink Press catalogue features up to 80 books covering a range of topics. Our books fall into six educational categories:
Prep: Level 1-5
Prep: Level 6-10
Year 1: Level 11-15
Year 2-3: Level 16-20
Year 4-7: Level 20-30
Year 8-9: High School
The topics include releationships (good and bad), North Queensland animals, science and the environment, poetry, Queensland’s history, real lives and Little Black Books written and illustrated by school children. Many of our titles fit in more than one topic.
Black Ink Press also have a number of titles available as digital audio books with Indigenous voices. As well, many of our books are bilingual helping to preserve and pass on the traditional language specific to certain remote Aboriginal communities where childhood literacy is a main concern.
In particular our Gudjal Book set is highly popular. The set forms a language dictionary covering birds, native animals and country. They were developed by Gudjal writer William Santo.

Black Ink Press books play a useful role in reconciliation, cultural awareness and combating racism.

First Publication:
"Crow Feathers - An Indigenous Collection of Poems and Images" was Black Ink Press' first published book in 2003.
Books by Topic
Black Ink Press books fall into a number of different categories. However many of our titles fit in more than one topic.
Relationships, good and bad
+ Nanna's Storm
+ Walkabout with My Mob
+ The Long and Winding Road
+ Over the Back Fence
+ Jakobi and Nan
+ Sissy's Secret
+ Painting with Sally
+ Charlie's Family
+ Behind Closed Doors
+ Being a Bus Driver
+ Snakes and Rabbits
North Queensland Animals
+ Gundanoo's Christmas
+ Our Pet Pelican
+ The Magic Tree
+ How the Cassowary Got Its Helmet
+ Guulaangga the Green Tree Frog
+ The Little Moo Cow
+ Girrawaa the Goanna
+ Cranky the Crocodile
+ Hey Brother
Grandma's Farm series by Gloria Whalan
+ Gurawang the Bandicoot
+ Girrawaa the Goanna
+ Guulaangga the Green Tree Frog
+ Mermando the Spider
Little Black Books
For little kids:
+ Our Camping Trip with Dad
+ Down to the Pond
+ Spearing Crabs
+ Catching Fish
+ Gudjal Birds, Gudjal Animals, My Country
+ Smashing Aunty Kathy's Car
+ My Holiday at Balgal Beach
+ Fishing Time in the Banana Boat
+ When I was in the Bush
+ The Day My Yumby Went Missing
+ Trip to Cairns
+ My Fishing Adventure
+ Disaster Camping
+ At the Creek with my Bro'
For bigger kids:
+ Crocodile Story
+ Rabbit and Snake
+ Moon Story
+ Being a Bus Driver
+ Behind Closed Doors
+ Our Trip to the Gold Coast
+ Two in a Boat
+ Sometimes I Wonder
+ Watch Out for Cars
+ Poems and Rhymes by Arron Richardson
+ Gudjal Language Pocket Dictionary
Science and the Environment
+ A Barramundi Tale
+ Uw Oykangand Oy berr - Traditional Bush Medicine from the Kunjen of Kowanyama
+ Mitakoodi Bush Tucker
+ Our Pet Pelican
+ Mermando the Spider
+ Grandma's Farm series
+ Turtle Egg Day
+ Molly the Grey Kangaroo
+ Biddy's Fishing Line
+ Cranky the Crocodile
+ The Little Moo Cow
+ Crocodile Story
+ At the Creek with My Bro'
+ Our Camping Trip with Dad
+ My Country
+ Molly the Grey Kangaroo
+ Crow Feathers
+ Hey Brother
+ Poems and Rhymes by Arron Richardson
+ Behind Closed Doors
Queensland's History
+ A Barramundi Tale
+ Written True, Not Gammon! A History of Aboriginal Charters Towers
+ Camping at Mount Garnet
+ The Day Palm Island Fought Back
+ Fantome Island
+ My Mob Going to the Beach
+ Turtle Egg Day
+ Biddy's Fishing Line
+ Sam's Fishing Adventure
Real lives
+ The Day Palm Island Fought Back
+ Fantome Island
+ The Long and Winding Road
+ Darby Making Tracks
+ River Girl
+ Camping at Mount Garnet
