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Year 2:  Level 16-20

Black Ink Press have a wonderful selection of books for children aged 8-9 years, or those in Year 2:

Being a Bus Driver

By Weilangta T & Vicky Duncan

There are 10 things that are good about being a bus driver, and 10 things that are bad about being a bus driver. Can you guess what they might be?

150 x 150mm | 32pp | AU$5

Smashing Aunty Kathy's Car

By Rehannon Pompey

A fictional story of misadventure and mischief, readers see why Aunty Kathy went under the tree to cry.

150 x 150mm | 24pp | AU$5

Books in this category:

Darby Making Tracks

By Anthony Turnbull

Readers of all ages will enjoy this book even if they’ve never heard of Darby McCarthy, the famous Aboriginal jockey. Boy Turnbull’s colloquial style and quirky watercolours bring bush racing to life.

150 x 210mm | 32pp | AU$15

Gundanoo's Christmas

By Glee J Sellin & Mary A Tolput

A delightful illustrated book about the true spirit of Christmas, as seen through the eyes of Australian bush animals.

210 x 210mm | 40pp | AU$15

  • Being a Bus Driver

  • Smashing Aunty Kathy's Car

  • Darby Making Tracks

  • Gundanoo's Christmas

  • How the Cassowary Got Its Helmet

  • Junjardee and the Red Bank

  • Our Pet Pelican

  • Spirits of the Surfing World

  • The Magic Tree

  • Turtle Egg Day

  • Walkabout With Our Mates

How the Cassowary Got Its Helmet

By Sylvia Emmerton & Jaquanna Elliot

Everyday the cassowary would stay away from the other animals so they would not tease him. Then one day someone noticed him. ‘Oh Hello,’ said the cassowary, a bit nervous... A story for everyone set in the bush of North Queensland.

210 x 210mm | 32pp | AU$15

Junjardee and the Red Bank

By Janelle Evans and Jaquanna Elliott

Have you ever wondered who that hairy little boy Janjardee is? Janelle Evans from Woorabinda tells her version of the old story, with an insight into the land and the culture of her people. Jaquanna Elliot’s watercolour and charcoal illustrations take the reader right back there.

210 x 210mm | 32pp | AU$15

Our Pet Pelican

By Carol Mooka & Laura Mooka

An adventure story about a family getting a new pet ... but there are hidden dangers. The events really happened during Carol and Laura’s childhood in their island home. Prince of Whales Island is brought to life with pictures full of loving detail, and the use of Torres Strait Creole language. The book also features information from the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) on how to help keep our birds safe from disease.

210 x 210mm | 36pp | AU$15

Sissy's Secret

By Althea McKeown & Monique Russell

Monique Russell listens to the stories her grandfather tells her of his time in the Torres Strait. She has now retold one of them in his voice and illustrated it with her own vibrant pictures for a new generation to enjoy.

210 x 210mm | 36pp | AU$15

Spirits of the Surfing World

By Leigh Rowell & Jacquanna Elliott

A colourful surfing story that kids can escape into. It tells kids that nothing can stop them from doing anything they want to do. They only have to put their mind to it.

210 x 210mm | 32pp | AU$15

The Magic Tree

By John Delacour & Rod Lucas

A fanciful tale about two lost children in a patch of Northern Queensland bush. They are helped by a friendly, wise tree that also creates harmony among the wildlife. Children will warm to the fantasy of this story and will want to read it over and over again.

210 x 210mm | 36pp | AU$15

Turtle Egg Day

By John Delacour & Rod Lucas

A fanciful tale about two lost children in a patch of Northern Queensland bush. They are helped by a friendly, wise tree that also creates harmony among the wildlife. Children will warm to the fantasy of this story and will want to read it over and over again.

210 x 210mm | 32pp | AU$15

Walkabout With Our Mates

By Esther Fischer & Kerensa McCann

Esther Fischer and Kerensa McCann have combined their talents again to put together this story for an older audience. A group of young boys in a small town with not much to do suddenly find themselves in the right place at the right time and are able to offer a helping hand. In the true sense of community spirit the boys become unsung heroes just going about their business as if nothing unusual happened.

150 x 210mm | 40pp | AU$15


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