Indigenous Publishing & Mentoring
Black Ink Press
“Inspiring Indigenous readers, writers and dreamers”

Margaret Ah Sam
Profile (Author)
For Margaret Ah Sam, this book has been the dream of a lifetime. Back in the 1970s, Margaret was working with the Kalkadoon Cultural Group over the years taking thousands of Mount Isa and Cloncurry school children on a cultural experience workshops, showing them the bush tucker and cooking it for them. She wrote traditional stories in books for children. With photographer Dale Rackham she began to document the knowledge she had grown up with. But after her children grew up, life took her out bush and then into the inevitable political struggle to set up local Indigenous organisations and go through the tedious process necessary to claim their own land. At last Margaret is again writing her own language, Mitakoodi. This enables her to pass on knowledge to younger generations and to share with non-Indigenous people who want to learn the true value of her land.
Mitakoodi Bush Tucker